On this page you will find information about our service.


Our service can be summed up in one word:

We will ask you about the products you want, find and negotiate with suppliers who handle them, and handle everything from purchase to delivery on your behalf.
We work spontaneously with you as a partner, providing information, consultation, and suggestions.

Who is our service for?

Our service is aimed at small and medium sized stores, sellers on e-commerce platforms.

Before starting this business, we could not find similar services in B2B.
However, Japanese products are sold all over the world, and we have seen cases where sellers living outside Japan are selling products that are only distributed in Japan.

Therefore, we hypothesized that if there was a service that could intervene as a B2B service for small and medium-sized companies and sellers of Japanese products, we could contribute to this service. This is our hypothesis.

We define our clients as follows

Suitable user

  • Monthly sales of 10 million yen or less
  • Start-up stores/seller
  • Less than 5 million yen in monthly purchases
  • Those who purchase from Japanese e-commerce sites
  • Those who want to differentiate themselves from competitors
  • Those looking for niche products
  • Those who are selling products on the side
  • Those who want to handle Japanese products
  • Those who want to purchase low unit price products in large quantities

Unveiling Our Services

We follow your order and find the products and the suppliers that carry them

We act as buyers for your company.

After hearing your order, we will find the product and the suppliers who carry that product.
You may or may not have a specific product in mind.
We will contact you with a list of several companies so that you can compare and discuss.
After confirming, if you indicate a preferred supplier for negotiation, we will ask you about conditions that will be favorable to the negotiation and proceed to negotiation.

*We do not name potential supplier companies.

We negotiate with our suppliers

The core of this service is negotiation with the supplier.

In several rounds of communication, we will explore lines of agreement between you and your suppliers.
Naturally, we will keep you informed of progress as needed.

We take responsibility from purchase to delivery

Once negotiations are finalized, the goods will be ordered, paid for, received, and delivered.
We will keep you informed of progress during this process.

We share our progress

Progress will be shared using a project management tool called “Freedcamp“.
With this tool, you will receive comments and progress updates via email, so you don’t have to constantly open the tool to check it.

We contribute to the growth of your business through consultation and suggestions

We, as buyers, provide consultation and suggestions to our customers.

For example, we can provide information on new products or introduce products that may be relevant to the genres that our customers deal with.
We contribute to our customers’ success in their business as if we were their employees, as it is our pleasure to see them succeed.

Your benefit

By using our services, you will receive the following benefits

You can stock reserved items

We can also purchase limited edition items and made-to-order items.

On sites such as eBay, limited edition items are sold at several times the list price.
By pre-ordering through us, you can expect to make a large profit.

*Depends on the terms and conditions of the sales site.
*We purchase on a first-come, first-served basis, so there is no guarantee that we will be able to purchase your request.

You can purchase from suppliers who do not do business with foreign companies

Japan is still not very good at global economic activities, except for major companies.
Many small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are not doing business with foreign companies.
By using us, you can solve this problem.

You can focus on your core business

The services we perform promise to keep you focused on your core business.
We will contact you as needed for progress reports and consultations, so there is no problem if you respond at that time.
Other than that, you can leave the work related to purchasing in Japan to us.

By purchasing more, purchasing costs can be reduced

When negotiating and dealing directly with that store, rather than through an e-commerce site, negotiations can be developed favorably by purchasing lots or large amounts, resulting in lower unit prices.

You can obtain information on products that are not available in the world

There are many products that are sold only in Japan. These products may be very popular or highly rated in Japan.
We will provide you with information on those products that are relevant to your store from time to time.
This may help you differentiate your store from others.

You can consult with us about anything related to Japanese products

Please ask us anything about Japanese products and trends.
We will answer as much as we can.